In this newsletter we have included a number of topics that are top of mind with many of our members so we hope you find the information helpful, or at least a timely reminder.
Your feedback is important, send it to nzgta@nzgta.org.nz
The NZGTA Committee |
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We are well into 2015 with many of our members having returned from a successful Winter Gift Fair.
The weather was great and visitor numbers were pleasing. It was great to receive reports from many exhibitors’ recording solid sales and good leads from a number of first time visitors, all of which contributed to the positive atmosphere around the fair.
The lunchtime online education seminar was well attended, everyone enjoying their hot soup while learning about the importance of having a good website. |
Did you see the huge
Marketing Campaign?
The NZGTA negotiates a raft of services for members to enjoy.
As a not for profit organisation, the NZGTA does not receive any income or incentives promoting these services to members.
All member service offerings are detailed on the NZGTA website.
Dean Vincent, representing Baker Tilly (NZ) Transaction Services (BTTS) partnered with the NZGTA to provide members with services across the field of business acquisitions and sales. BTTS are experienced negotiators, who will work for you to maximise your exit when selling your business.
Planning to exit or sell your business…
We will soon be advising the first of the Baker Tilly education/information evenings free to NZGTA members.
So whether you are considering a short or long term plan, starting succession planning or looking to buy or sell a business, it is important you have the right information and planning processes in place to get the best outcome.
See the article in the Winter Gift Fair & Homeware magazine – “Business Evolution” Passing on your business to the next generation.

Independent Verification Services (IVS)
Independent Verification Services (IVS) are a new NZGTA partner in 2015.
Biosecurity Container Clearing/Certification
Steve Brading, IVS’s Client Services Manager will be the associations contact, details can also be found on the NZGTA website.
With ever evolving legislation and training requirements, IVS will be an important partner for many of NZGTA members, offering services targeted mainly for those of you that import a small number of containers each year.
You will no longer need to maintain your ‘Approved Transitional Facility’ status or ensure staff has approved Operator and Accredited Persons certification.
IVS are an accredited service provider with MPI (formally MAF) and offer a Multi-Location Transitional Facility Service, dealing with all MPI requirements.
The partnership gives NZGTA members preferential rates on the annual membership fee and courses run by IVS.
Click here for the latest news from IVS regarding MPI requirements.
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KiwiSaver Scheme
Reward your staff with KiwiSaver Advice.
The NZGTA have partnered with Generate providing members an opportunity to explore KiwiSaver options.
Statistically only 10-20% of New Zealanders have had advice on their KiwiSaver, one in three does not know which fund they are in and two thirds do not fully understand how the Government incentives work. This may explain why 47% of all KiwiSaver investments are still in default, cash and conservative assets.
Over the long term your employees could be materially better off in retirement by making an informed decision.
Generate is a New Zealand owned and operated specialist KiwiSaver provider. They were rated 1st for services by Sorted.org in both 2014 and Q1 2015 and their Focused Growth Fund is currently ranked 1st for performance in the year to June 2015 out of all KiwiSaver growth funds.
“Investment Provider of the Year 2015”
by the Professional Advisers Association.
NZGTA Members, as employers can provide tangible employee benefits to their staff by engaging the services of a KiwiSaver provider. Generate believe they go further than their competitors and offer NZGTA members:
- Free advice to employees on their KiwiSaver.
- Initial and then annual seminars to employees utilising Sorted.org KiwiSaver education materials.
- One-on-one advice to employees who elect for this service at their work or home.
- A Generate adviser will contact all employees who auto-enrol to provide advice on a suitable alternate fund or remain with the auto selection.
- Support the employers HR function in relation to KiwiSaver.
- Most importantly for any of the above services….
No cost and absolutely
no obligation to join
Also worth noting is all members’ investments are held independently by Public Trust, Generates Trustee and Custodian. Public Trust is the only KiwiSaver Trustee that is a crown owned entity. Details can also be found on the NZGTA website.
NZGTA Members get free access to >100 supplier discounts via n3
It’s free so make sure you get around to it and start saving!
In just 11 months since the NZGTA partnered with n3, 20% of our members have activated their accounts and achieved total tracked savings of $28,485 already across their businesses.
A large proportion of members are still waiting to activate accounts with suppliers. |
New suppliers
Check out new n3 suppliers added across various industry groups, including:
Top 15 Suppliers to NZGTA members
Office Max |
Packaging House |
Bunnings Warehouse |
Noel Leeming Group Ltd |
NZ Couriers Ltd |
Cardlink Systems Ltd |
BOC Gases NZ Ltd |
BP Oil NZ Limited |
Chervron New Zealand |
Ideal Electrical Suppliers |
Resene |
JA Russell |
NZ Mail Ltd |
NZ Safety |
Placemakers |
Simply “link” your existing accounts
* Most of you will have received your n3 trade card entitling you to instantly access discounts with suppliers like Bunnings
Watch your savings grow with monthly reports on accounts linked to n3 suppliers, this includes reporting on the trade card spend/savings.
Check out the n3 offering and suppliers on the NZGTA website or contact the n3 team so they can help get you started.
Are you prepared?
Changes are coming, replacing the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992 and the Machinery Act 1950 but do you know how this will impact you and your business, are you prepared?

As a business owner, like all others you will be faced with reviewing your health & safety systems, processes also information/education literature currently in place at your business, there are no exceptions; it applies to all organisations in New Zealand.
Make sure you check out the article in the Winter Gift & Homeware Fairs magazine, which provides an over-view behind the changes and highlights some of the terms, responsibilities and duties but most importantly covers in clear bullet points
More information is available from WorkSafe about PCBUs, business.govt.nz and in addition, an article which provides an interesting overview of the changes and impacts is one by Hayes Knight.
The NZGTA, on occasion receives enquiries from international companies looking for an NZ distributor/agent. Possibly not something you have thought about before, but this may open an opportunity, to increase your range of products and also:
- Earn additional revenue in way of commission
- Increase the size of your stand/presence at the Gift Fairs
- Have your partner pay a shared cost of the stand
- Strengthen your brand visibility/profile or marketing
- Develop international partner contacts and knowledge
Are you interested in being sent information on enquiries? Email me with the product categories of interest or ones that will compliment your range. When we receive an enquiry from an overseas company wanting to sell product in NZ we can then contact you.
*The NZGTA has a role in communicating…
As an exhibitor please only visit other exhibitors stands by invitation when the stand is fully staffed.
Exhibitors found on other stands during build-up or breakdown may be exited from the venue for the entirety of the show.
If you wish to review the NZGTA’s *Code of Ethics, please click here. |
More than 50,000 items sold to date!
>1K + orders are becoming more regular!!
Get ready for Christmas sales with Gift Trader.
Retailers are looking for your product right now.
Gift Trader is the most cost effective way to promote your products to verified retailers throughout New Zealand, actively seeking the latest seasonal releases to fill their shelves.
This year, 13,500 retailers have used Gift Trader to research and order new products from you and your competitors, spending an average of 6 minutes in the site.
Some key insights we’ve gathered over the year:
- Retailers are looking for the latest products (91% of searches are for “latest stock”)
- Images sell. Items with professional quality, high resolution images are the big seller.
- More remote retailers spend more time in Gift Trader. Blenheim and Whanganui, and Rotorua have some of the most active Gift Trader buyers.
- Detailed product descriptions help your items sell – and they’re a great way to have your items found too.
Straight after Spring Gift, our Online Gift Fair starts, with an even wider marketing campaign than ever before.
Make sure your products are ready for the influx of retailers looking for the hottest Christmas sellers.
If you need any help with Gift Trader, email jeff@xpo.co.nz and he’ll walk you through the process.
The NZGTA maintains a list of Commission Agents who are looking for products to represent. The list is regularly updated following each of the Gift Fairs, also as notifications are received. The list is available for all current NZGTA members, so if you would like a copy, please email.
Fresh Info Company’s Shane Vuletich recently assessed the economic footprint of 5 of XPO's Auckland exhibitions. Fresh Info is a leading authority contributing to Tourism and Major Events evaluation for both central and local government authorities.
The recently released report by Fresh Info Company, commissioned by XPO, provides an evaluation of the XPO Exhibition show portfolio’s impact on tourism and GDP in the Auckland region.
NZ Gift Fair Highlights from the report:
- 90% attendees have influence over the purchasing decisions
- Surveys show > $50m in trade spent onsite across both events
- Further deals likely concluded in the weeks and months post events
- Purchasing power of NZ Gift retailers at these Auckland shows totals >$500m
- Tourist/Hotel nights - 16,018
Including Autumn and Spring Gift Fairs the report drills down on specific data supporting the importance of the Autumn and Spring Gift Fairs. An interesting read for both Gift Fair exhibitors and visitors alike to identify the huge potential and opportunities available in supporting and growth of the Gift Fairs.
The organisers work hard to ensure the greatest market coverage reaching visitors to the Gift Fairs.
The Marketing Board covers highlights of each show campaign including the 10’s of thousands of mailed brochures, show magazines sent out plus countless trade magazine advert, >5,500 Facebook followers etc
To keep you informed see what the organisers are up to check out the Marketing board in the main exhibitor lounge above show info.
A copy will also be in your exhibitor pack.
The NZGTA Chair has worked hard over the past 12 months fostering a new relationship with Retail NZ (formerly the Retailers Association of NZ), with current membership of around 5,000 members.
This association has increased the NZGTA’s ability to educate and promote Gift Fairs to visitors and provides stronger lobbying power when challenging issues on behalf of our members such as GST reforms.
Retail NZ now exhibit at the NZ Gift Fairs, as well as supporting and promoting the Auckland ‘Lunchtime’ Gift Fairs seminars, giving retailers another reason to attend. Retail NZ actively promote Gift Fairs as an important event to their members.
Long-time visitor to the gift fairs, Raylene Marsh, owner of the Design Depot, winner of the GIA award in New Zealand and also Waikato’s Top Shop award in 2014 is an example of successful retailing, even in a tough market.
Featured in the Autumn Gift & Homewares magazine it reflects on the journey, learning gained from entering the GIA awards and the importance of undertaking a critical evaluation of the business, also a great team building exercise.
Not an easy task, but Raylene was fortunate that John Heng (Taylor Road), a GIA Global Honouree in 2012 was able to provide invaluable guidance based on taking his own business’s through the GIA entry and evaluation process in 2012. |
It’s no doubt a changing market for wholesalers and retailers alike, but there are success stories reflecting both online and bricks & mortar businesses identifying both have a place and an opportunity to prosper given the right environment.
Educating visitors through lunchtime seminars is a growing part of the Gift Fairs platform to help with embracing online sales understanding online retail trading.
You will be aware from recent media the Government is now resolved to begin capturing GST on international items purchased online by NZ consumers.
The NZGTA has been actively lobbying Government on this change, to lower what is known as the de minimis threshold. Why? Because we know it’s only fair that international online sellers face the same GST tax obligations that NZ retailers face (and whom our members supply product to).
Some of the activity the NZGTA has been undertaking includes:
- Petitions – You will have seen the self scan kiosk at Autumn Gift Fair and prior Spring Gift Fair allowing visitors and exhibitors to support a petition for change.
- Letters to Bill English, The NZGTA has sent a letter to Bill English endorsing the same stance taken by Retail NZ to have this legislation reviewed.
- Media commentary - Brent Spillane elected Chair included the need for de minimis change when asked what our members would like to see announced for the NZ budget.
But it doesn’t stop here! The NZGTA remains concerned that the Government is prioritising ‘digital services’ such as Netflix and iTunes ahead of ‘other physical goods’ (such as gift & homewares) in relation to the review.
We are therefore asking retailers and members of NZGTA to fill out the template letter created by Retail NZ onsite at the Spring Gift Fair to voice the importance of physical goods under this review.
You’ll see information on the template at the Show Information desk computers near the main cafe. We also encourage you to talk with Retail NZ who have a stand in hall 3 of the show about what other actions we can collectively take to get more action underway.
Stay tuned!
The NZGTA is very fortunate to be led by its Founding Member, Chairman and Executive Committee - a group of dedicated and passionate people with vast industry experience who work to ensure longevity of the Gift and Homewares industry.
If you would like to be part of this group of dedicated people, nominations will be called at the end of the year; those selected will be put forward for a vote at the AGM in March 2016. |
Key considerations in the committee member selection criteria are:
industry type
geographic location
We aim to ensure the best representation across our total membership. If you wish to be considered for nomination, please email with your details and outline of industry experience or expertise. |
XPO have made a significant investment in world leading technology, bringing you a smart phone APP to simplify the collection of retailer contact info and orders, replacing the old way of collecting business cards and filling out endless forms.
The new Smart Phone App was made available free to trial for exhibitors at Winter Gift, and it was great to see such positive feedback.
With the APP you can collect real time data and quality sales results. Simply scan visitor badges, then continue to take orders scanning your products. Another feature of the App is that you can include a range of pre populated follow-up questions, survey your prospects or customers.
More advantages - Less paper, less mess, less hassle, less lost opportunities
During and post event, log in to your XPO leads web interface to export all your data in a handy excel file complete with prospect names, contact details and orders.
XPO leads is free to download, and access pricing starts as low as $200 per show for 2 users (for 3 show exhibitors).
Talk to your sales manager for a demo.
If you want to see it in action, just watch the you tube video and see for yourself.
The NZGTA has reallocated funding to pay for new venue imposed exhibitor car parking fees in 2015.
This means reducing the exhibitor function from 2 to 1 night at both the Auckland fairs and reducing food and beverage amenities in the Key Buyers lounge to barista coffee and light refreshments.
The executive committee will review funding options in 2016.
Entry is open to all visitors at the Gift Fairs making purchases from 10 different exhibitors. A great tool, encouraging purchases to be made at the fair.
Exhibitors can foster visitor participation by asking to sign the entry cards after each order is placed.
Keep a few entry cards on your stand, ensure an opportunity isn’t missed. Additional cards are available at the ‘Info desk”. |
